The Longest-Established Yuma Personal Injury Law Firm

How to prevent a bicycle accident before it harms you

On Behalf of | Aug 21, 2020 | Injuries |

There are many benefits of riding a bicycle, from the enjoyment it provides to the exercise value to the environmental benefits of lessening our carbon footprint. However, since you don’t have much protection, an accident can be devastating.

It doesn’t matter if you’re personally riding a bicycle or helping your children prepare for a ride, it’s critical to take as many safety precautions as possible. There may come a point when you’re glad that you did.

Here are some of the many tips you can follow to prevent a bicycle accident before it has the potential to cause serious injury or even death:

  • Choose a bicycle lane, when available: If there’s a bicycle lane available to you, this is where you should ride. Not only is it designated for bicycles, thus allowing you to keep your distance from motor vehicles, but you also won’t have nearly as many concerns about pedestrians getting in your way.
  • Watch for parked vehicles: You know that moving vehicles pose a safety risk, but the same holds true of those that are parked. If someone opens their door into your lane of travel, a head on collision could happen.
  • Follow the rules of the road: Just because you’re riding a bike doesn’t mean you can ignore the rules of the road, such as stopping at red lights. When you violate the law, you’re taking a risk with your safety.
  • Keep your head on a swivel: This allows you to see everything that’s happening around you, from inattentive drivers to pedestrians entering or exiting their vehicles. When you do this, you give yourself as much time as possible to prevent an accident.

Even if you follow these tips, there’s always a chance you could suffer an injury in a bicycle accident.

A run-in with a motor vehicle is every bit as dangerous as it sounds, as it can result in injuries ranging from broken bones to a concussion to deep lacerations and abrasions.

Should you find yourself in this position, seek medical treatment before you do anything else. From there, you can eventually turn your attention to your legal rights and seeking compensation from the negligent driver.