The Longest-Established Yuma Personal Injury Law Firm

Car Accident Representation Backed By Experience And Success

Last updated on June 28, 2024

Since 1982, The Smith Fila Law Firm in Yuma, Arizona, has helped victims of car accidents and their families get compensation for their financial losses, pain and suffering, disabilities and loss of loved ones. We have focused our entire legal careers on personal injury claims, and have a deep understanding of car accident laws and the challenges involved in these cases.

Put an experienced, results-oriented Yuma car accident attorney on your side. Call 928-328-1361 or toll-free at 877-386-6038 for a free consultation.

Experienced In All Varieties Of Car Accident Cases

Our law firm has experience representing people in all varieties of car accidents, including car accidents with unique issues such as:

  • Drunk driving accidents: Unlike other car accident cases, it may be possible to recover punitive damages in drunk driving cases – damages that punish the driver for his or her bad decision. Furthermore, the bar or restaurant that served the drunk driver alcohol may be held liable through Arizona’s “dram shop” law.
  • Accidents involving uninsured/underinsured drivers: If your car accident was a hit-and-run, or if the negligent driver was uninsured or underinsured, you may need to turn to your own insurance company to recover compensation for your property damage and injuries.
  • Fatal car accidents: When you lose a loved one in a fatal car accident, no amount of money can make up for what you have lost, but you can and should seek compensation for pain and suffering, medical expenses, funeral expenses, loss of income, and other damages suffered by you and your loved one.
  • Pile-up car accidents: When multiple vehicles are involved in car accidents, there are often liability questions. We can help you determine who is accountable for your injuries through accident reconstruction, witness testimony and other evidence.
  • Other vehicle accidents: We also handle other types of auto-related accidents, including truck crashes and motorcycle accidents as well as those involving pedestrians.

These are only a few of the unique car accident issues that can arise. Even when you are involved in a straightforward rear-end accident, however, it is a good idea to work with an attorney to ensure that you receive an appropriate amount of compensation for your injuries.

Get Legal Representation As Soon As Possible

The fact is: Insurance companies are businesses and will offer lowball settlements to protect their bottom lines. Do not give a statement to the other person’s insurance representative. Do not accept a settlement offer from an insurance company. Instead, consult with an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

If you choose The Smith Fila Law Firm to represent you, we will begin building your case immediately. We will thoroughly investigate the cause of the accident and if necessary, hire experts such as an accident reconstructionist or engineer. We may obtain statements and take photographs. We will also review the insurance coverage issues in your case and handle dealings with all insurance companies, including automobile, disability and health. We will assist you in coordinating all benefits and can direct you in obtaining appropriate medical care.

Our auto accident lawyer will work diligently to build a strong case designed to obtain full and complete compensation for you.

What Should You Do After A Car Accident?

After a car accident, check for injuries and call 911 if necessary. Ensure the safety of yourself and passengers by moving to the roadside. Contact the police to document the accident and exchange information with the other driver, including contact, insurance details and vehicle specifics. Document the scene with photos and gather witness information. Notify your insurance to start the claims process. If you sustain injuries, considering a free case evaluation with a lawyer can be crucial. A lawyer can guide you through the legal aspects and help maximize your compensation. Remember, managing the aftermath effectively can significantly impact the resolution of your case.

Who Pays For Your Medical Bills After An Arizona Car Accident?

After an Arizona car accident, you typically need to cover your medical bills initially, using your own health insurance or paying out-of-pocket. Arizona is a fault-based state, so the at-fault party’s insurance may eventually reimburse these costs if they are found liable. Navigating this process can be complex and waiting for settlements is often stressful. The Smith Fila Law Firm can actively guide you through each step, ensuring that your rights are protected and striving to secure the full compensation you deserve. Remember, having strong legal representation can significantly influence the outcome of your case.

Is There A Time Limit For Filing A Car Accident Claim In Arizona?

In Arizona, you have a two-year statute of limitations to file a personal injury lawsuit following a car accident. This period starts from the date of the accident. If you miss this deadline, you risk losing the right to sue for compensation, regardless of the other driver’s fault. Certain exceptions might extend this deadline, such as discovering injuries later or if the injured party is a minor. Additionally, claims against government entities require specific procedures and must be filed within 180 days. To navigate these deadlines effectively, consider consulting with the experienced attorneys at The Smith Fila Law Firm who can guide you through the process and protect your interests.

What Types Of Damages Can You Recover For An Arizona Car Accident?

In an Arizona car accident, you may be entitled to recover various types of damages that address both immediate and long-term impacts of the incident. Economic damages can include compensation for medical expenses, lost income and future medical treatments. Noneconomic damages cover pain and suffering, loss of support, and emotional distress. In certain cases, punitive damages may also be awarded to punish particularly negligent behavior. At The Smith Fila Law Firm, we diligently pursue all avenues of compensation to ensure you receive the full recovery you deserve for the hardships you’ve endured.

An Experienced Litigation Team With A Network Of Experts To Support Your Case

We will work with your doctor or other medical specialists to understand your injuries and the medical care and services you will need. This may take several months or longer depending on the nature of your case.

During this time, we will work to establish the liability of the responsible party and document your financial losses and pain and suffering. We will not settle your case until we understand the full extent of your injuries and the medical care and services you will need to recover to the fullest extent possible.

Consult Us

For a free initial consultation with The Smith Fila Law Firm in Yuma, Arizona, contact our law firm.

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